Design Ideas, Travertine Installation, Travertine Pavers

From the garden to the patio, travertine pavers will elevate your backyard

Is your backyard looking a little lackluster, despite the lush greenery that spring has ushered in? You might just need a travertine fix. You can use these natural stone pavers in a number of ways to enhance your outdoor design.

Make a path through your garden
If your backyard garden just consists of a few rows of flower beds, it may be time to make moves to elevate the space. By putting travertine pavers in the mix, your garden will be an impressive section of your outdoor spread.

You can easily make a walkway with travertine. Using wooden stakes, mark out the path, making sure to take measurements along the way. Next, dig deep enough to create a base for the stones. Your first layer should consist of gravel and crushed stone, and make the second layer 2 inches of sand.

After this, you can lay down the pavers. Be ready to cut the stones if they don’t quite fit in the space you marked out: You’ll just need a hammer and chisel to do so. Once you’ve ensured that the surface is level, fill the joints in with sand, and your natural stone pathway will be complete.

Create a small patio with the stones
If you don’t have a green thumb, spruce up your outdoor lounging space instead of a garden. Try using travertine to create a “hidden patio,” like one that HGTV showcases.

This small patio is tucked into the backyard, totally separate from the house. The cozy outdoor space is the perfect spot to escape to with your morning cup of coffee.

Use the same process you used for your pathway on this patio. Though this is a bigger space, you still will likely have to cut the pavers along the edge so they fit cleanly.

Rather than laying these pavers down in simple rows, you might install the pieces using a French design pattern. This approach uses square and rectangular pieces in four different sizes.

There are several layouts you can follow for this design. To create one of these patterns, install a medium square paver alongside a large rectangular piece. In the space left underneath this paver, you’ll have room for a smaller rectangle.

It may sound complicated, but like a jigsaw puzzle, your pieces will easily fit together. You’ll add variety to the stone spread by using different sized pieces in a less linear way.

These projects show that by taking travertine installation into your own hands, you can make your backyard truly eye-catching.

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