Design Ideas

How to make the best out of a tight space

Over the years, you've probably made a lot of changes to your home. For example, maybe you replaced the old shag carpeting or worn down hardwood floors with beautiful travertine tile, and used travertine pavers to transform the look of your driveway. However, as your vision as a home decorator has grown, your family may have grown as well, and you may feel like each member of the family is fighting to have his or her own space. 

You don't want to move to a bigger home when you've put so much time and effort into decorating your current one, which is why you should look for ways to get more space.

Keep your colors simple
According to Elizabeth Street, when you're looking for ways to make the most out of a smaller space, you should stick to a simple color scheme, since having too many colors and patterns will make your home look smaller and too busy. This is why travertine tiles are perfect for your home, since they come in neutral colors that work with everything without appearing overwhelming. 

Embrace multipurpose furniture
Another great way to save space without sacrificing style is to find furniture that can also serve as storage. For example, an antique toy box can be sanded down, repainted and used as both storage and as a bench. There are also ottomans that can act as a place to stash spare blankets and pillows while doubling as a spot to kick back and relax. 

Place shelving wherever you can
Style at Home magazine explained that one of the best ways to make the most out of a smaller space is to place shelves on any walls you can. This way, you can take accessories that may be taking up space throughout your living room or bedroom and place them on the shelves instead. 

Look for drawers
When looking to buy a new bureau or coffee table, choose the model that has the most drawers. Remember, bureaus aren't just for the bedroom – you can keep them in the kitchen as well to store plates, cups and utensils if your cupboards are full. You can also put a bureau in your living room and place blankets, pillows and pillowcases in them as well as family photos that you change out depending on the season. 

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